System Features
Alumni / Mobile Directory
Parent / Student Directory
Secure On-Line Giving
Secure Event Registration
Secure On-Line Store
NDImobilBID for silent auctions
March 3, 2017 - MobilBID used in 250th silent auction. Alpine Ski Club sucessfully ran their program fundraiser, increasing revenues by 24% over 2016.
Reduce Administrative Costs
NDI programs are designed to minimize dependency on internal IT resources, and improve the task of maintaining alumni and parent records.
What Our Clients Say
"The (NDI) Alumni Directory is the perfect solution to our alumni communications programme. It helps us keep in touch with our grads, and they love using it to keep up with each other. A low cost highly effective tool."

Andy Whiteley, Assistant Headmaster

Royal St. George's College, Toronto, ON

Alumni Directory/On-Line Community Features:

The system is specifically designed to keep the names and e-mail addresses of your alumni safe from abuse.
  • Restricted Access - Only approved alumni, with individual IDs and passwords, can access the directory. The school designated editor approves all new listings.
  • Access Control - The school editor can deny access to any individual, instantly. This feature makes the on-line directory more secure than a printed directory (which, once printed, the school has no control over it's use.)
  • Restricted Display - The number of displayed records is limited, so there is no easy way to compile lists for bulk e-mail purposes.
  • Private Mail Option - Listed users may chose to hide their actual e-mail address, but continue to have e-mail sent to them without revealing their address.
  • Obtain Lost Passwords - For those that lose their passwords, the system will securely provide them upon request, via e-mail, to only the listed address.
The system is easy to use for alumni, and is flexible to handle the needs of every school, large or small.
  • Self-administered Additions - Individuals add their own listings, but are not allowed immediate access. A designated editor is notified of each new addition, and must approve or deny access. The system generates confirmation e-mails to users of their acceptance by the editor.
  • Self-administered Updates - Alumni maintain their own listings. Each person can only update their own profile. The school editor is automatically notified of updates, so the school's internal records can be updated at the same time.
  • Multiple Search Criteria - Once logged in, alumni can search the listings in a number of ways, such as by name, year of graduation, location, or special interest groups.
  • Biographical Data - An optional module allows alumni to add in a full biographical profile (home address, profession, education, family, relatives who attended, personal photo, etc.) that can be displayed to other alumni online. An optional map plot can be generated which shows alumni where they live in relationship to the school, and to other alumni. In addition, this biographical data can be exported and used to publish a printed directory, or to update your other alumni records.
  • Photo Albums - An optional module allows an administrator to upload, resize, group, sort and display photos for alumni to view on-line. Captions can be added, two viewing modes are available (6/page or 1/page) and easy navigation with the intuitive design. Photos can be grouped into Albums, and multiple Albums can be grouped into Galleries.
  • Other Members of your Community - The system is designed to allow senior students, parents of alumni, faculty and staff members access, so you can use it to enhance communications throughout the school community.
Mobile Access:
Allow your alumni to access the contents of your Online Directory from their smartphones.
  • Web App - Advanced programming means there is nothing for alumni to download or install on their phones. Works on all iPhone, Android and newer Blackberry phones with a web browser.
  • Powerful Search - A keyword search function allows one to key in phrases, and the system will display matching results. Search by name, year, location, college of university, company - any phrase will work.
  • Comprehensive Results - Fully integrated with the content of your online directory, results can show complete profiles, including photos, class notes, contact information, etc. in an easy to view format.
  • Mapping - Using the GPS functions of a smartphone, a local map can be displayed with pins denoting alumni who live/work nearby. Click an icon to see detailed contact information on each alumni.
  • Included in Package - The mobile option is a no-cost extra, included in the directory system you have configured.
With alumni names and e-mail addresses loaded in the system, it really shines at helping communicate in all directions.
  • Broadcast to Alumni - The designated editor can create a text message and send it out to all, or a selected group, in seconds. Great for organizing events.
  • Template e-Newsletters - Part of Advanced Mailing Options, allowing you to send professional looking newsletters, but have a fixed design controlled by a predesigned template. Great for regular issues of news, easy to update content on a regular basis.
  • HTML-Mail - Part of Advanced Mailing Options, allowing you to design and format one-off messages with color, bold, italic, photos, etc., directly to recipient's inboxes.
  • Attachments - part of Advanced Mailing Options, allowing you to send .doc and .pdf files out to alumni as attachments.
  • Readership Tracking - Actual reader access can be tracked, letting you know who read the formatted messages or newsletters, how often, and when.
  • Broadcast History - part of Advanced Mailing Options, allowing you to review a complete history of what mailings have been broadcast to each individual, allowing an analysis of mailing frequency and content.
  • Year or Group Reps - The designated editor can assign people to be "reps", who have the unique ability to broadcast messages to their year, a span of years, or their geographic area. Class Reps are highlighted in the main listings, so others know who to contact.
  • Client Defined Groups - Each client can customize up to five groups, each of which can be used to segment alumni, and broadcast to. Can be used from anything from profession to golf interest!
  • Mentor Facilitation - An optional module to allow alumni (or even parents) to create a profile of their interests, and volunteer to be a "mentor", to be available as a career guide for recent graduates or senior students seeking help with career or university choices.
  • Bulletin Board/Weblog System - Also called blog, or forums. An optional module allows alumni to post and read messages and photos under a variety of topics. The editor controls the topics, but could include "buy and sell", "job postings", or discussion groups on a variety of school related subjects.
  • Class Notes System - An optional module allows alumni to post and read messages and photos against their year of graduation. Postings usually include news about marriages, births, job appointments, travel, etc. Class Reps can use these to great effect, as can the school in printed publications.
  • Business Directory System - An optional module allows alumni to create searchable listings under a variety of business categories (e.g. Automotive, Medical, Financial...) This allows alumni to offer their services to other alumni, perhaps at preferred rates.
  • Information Updates - A web form that allows alumni to provide news of marriages, births, job appointments, etc. quickly passes the information to the school for inclusion in regular newsletters.
  • Birthday Messaging - Automatically send a 'Happy Birthday' message to alumni on their actual birthdate.
  • Twitter Updates - Optionally configured to post "tweets" to a school's Twitter account when alumni update any of their profiles, post notes, etc. Other alumni who follow the update account can see who updates (but the actual changes are kept hidden until they log back in.)
The maintenance side of the system is very powerful. The designated editor has access to all the editing, messaging and administration tools in an easy to use format, that takes minimal training to master.
  • Completely Web Enabled - The system runs on an Internet server, but requires no additional hardware or software on your desktop - just a standard web browser connected to the Internet. The editor can administer the directory from anywhere!
  • Fast Set-up and Configuration - Our parameter driven technology allows a new installation to be installed and running quickly, and to adjust all defaults, drop-down lists and displays easily, on-the-fly.
  • "Skin" Technology - A single file, with HTML and CSS design information, can be applied to all web pages at once, enabling a client to match the graphics, colours and fonts used on the school's website.
  • Statistics and Analysis - The system allows the editor to obtain audit reports (i.e. counts by year of graduation, ageing analysis, activity logs, counts by status) that make it simple to see the depth and quality of information contained in the directory, and how often your alumni use it.
  • Segmented Lists - The editor can easily obtain lists of alumni in various categories, such as the Top 30 Users of the system, Suspected Duplicates, alumni requesting to not receive broadcast e-mail, etc.
  • Data Import and Export - The database format allows for data extraction, which allows you to load data into existing applications.
  • Automatic Verification - The system automatically generates a verification request e-mail to alumni who have not updated their listing within a predetermined time.
  • Lost addresses - Any broadcast e-mail that bounces back as "user unknown" automatically updates the database, greatly reducing the need for the editor's intervention.
There are hundreds of small but important features that make the system easy to use and fully functional for any school. For example:
  • Maiden/Married Name - For alumni associations with female graduates, the married name feature is easily enabled, and automatically cross references all names into a single index.
  • Nicknames - The system can be configured to capture nicknames, that can be displayed on-line and used in broadcast salutations. Great for the personalized touch!
  • On-Line Giving - An optional module allows alumni, parents or friends to perform secure on-line credit card donations to your institution.
  • On-Line Store - An optional module allows alumni, parents or friends to securely order school crested and affinity items from an on-line catalog.
  • On-Line Event Registration - An optional module allows alumni, parents or friends to securely browse current and future event information and register their participation, including credit card payment, all on-line.
  • Voting/Small Surveys - The system can display an easily modified popup window that can be used to collect votes or opinions, as desired by the school.
  • News of The Day - The system can display an easily modified line of text that is a headline to a topical news item. The line links to a page containing the details.