System Features
Alumni / Mobile Directory
Parent / Student Directory
Advanced Mentoring
Secure On-Line Giving
Secure Event Registration
Secure On-Line Store
NDImobilBID for silent auctions
March 3, 2017 - MobilBID used in 250th silent auction. Alpine Ski Club sucessfully ran their program fundraiser, increasing revenues by 24% over 2016.
Broadcast Capabilities
Base systems feature a low-cost, easy to use broadcast system to quickly and easily communicate with members. An advanced mailing option permits HTML newsletters with dynamic templates, allows attachments and readership tracking.
What Our Clients Say
"CCDS has used the parent and alumni features of Net Directories to communicate with all of our constituents for over five years."

"The people at Net Directories always stay one step ahead and the level of service has been truly outstanding."

Ralph Javens
Director of Communications
Cincinnati Country Day School, Cincinnati, OH

This self-guided tour is intended to provide a glimpse of the basic functionality, features and design of our on-line member community product highlighting some of the unique aspects of the NDI Alumni Directory.

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Screen #1: Login Page

The NDI Alumni program is custom-designed to reflect the look and feel of your original website. Once the data is loaded into the system, members are invited to visit the site and register.

The log-in page invites the alum, if registered, to sign-in using their e-mail address and a unique password that can be later changed. If the person has not yet registered they can click on a prompt "Please Add Me" that will take them to a page that asks for the initial registration. All registrations are first approved by the administrator before the listing goes live.

A feature of the login page is an area that allows the alum to email the login page to a fellow alum to help build the database.

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Screen #2: Registration Page

The registration page requests affiliation to include faculty and staff and can be customized to your requirements. Some clients include senior students. Other fields can request nicknames, maiden names and graduation year to make the search features more meaningful.

Date of birth is requested for verification purposes and the individual can protect their privacy by choosing the "Private Mail Feature" to hide the email address from public display, but still receive emails through a prominent icon.

The registration page can be customized to divide the constituents into campuses, houses or other groups.

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Screen #3: Main Menu

Once a new registrant has been approved, they can then gain entry to the main directory and search for other members through "Last Name" or a multiple search engine including "Year of Graduation", "Geographic Region" or "Profession".

Similar searches can be performed here for faculty and staff as well as mentors and business directory, if these optional modules have been chosen.

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Screen #4 Search Results

Typical search results yield first and last name, maiden name and nickname with year of graduation, email if available and member wishes it to be displayed. Icons represent optional modules and additional profile fields � "Biographical Profile" � "Mentor Profile" � "Bulletin Board" � "Class- Notes" and "Business Directory".

Modules such as "Mentor" and "Business Directory" provide members with real benefits of membership by encouraging business counseling and business transactions between members.

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Screen #5 Biographical Profile

The "Biographical Profile" module is completed and updated by the members. This feature permits members to expand on their personal information to follow their lives through graduation into business, their family life, hobbies, family attending, further contact information and other fields that add interest to their listing.

This information is invaluable to the school and provides a brief synopsis for fellow members.

Options again, allow individuals to show or hide information.

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Screen #6 Bulletin Board/Class Notes

Either of these two modules allows members to browse and post notes in specific areas such as "Job Postings" � "General Notes" � "Homecoming Happenings" and others at the choice of the editor.

The Bulletin Board allows all alumni to post notes in a general area�the Class Notes module allows alumni to post messages and photos under their graduating year similar to printed school publications. Appointed class reps can "build" this area on behalf of alumni in their year.

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Screen #7 On-Line Giving, Event Registration and School Store

Three add-on or stand alone modules encourage school donations, alumni event participation and increase school store sales using a unique NDI program that accepts credit card use without the usual expense of holdbacks, extra percentages and transactional charges.

The event registration shown here shows a list of events, costs and even a list of registered attendees. As the individual completes the forms, the system automatically tracks the events and costs and produces a complete itinerary with costs. All of the easy to use tools to list events, donation categories and school store products are in the hands of the editor.

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Screen #8 Broadcast Features

On the administrative side, the base system features a broadcast feature using text e-mail messages or an advanced mailing module that allows the use of HTML newsletters with link-letters and special coding to track the readership of newsletters. The system contains several dynamic templates permitting the editor to develop different e-letters for different constituents.

Broadcasting is as easy as "One" prepare your message... "Two" choose the message for broadcast and... "Three" pick the database of users to receive the message... then simply send.

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